Queer India Travel and The British Centre for Tantra and Permaculture/Tantraloka invite you on a spiritual pilgrimage that invites you to synthesis. Divine architecture, stunning temples with the sacred river Ganges  our connecting thread between the sites.

This two-week offering is for all who have interest in Tantra, India and will deliver a beautiful experience for all who are seeking to tie their current life experiences with the richness of the past and what the Tantrikas of old revered, practiced and you are invited to peek through the portal of the past on this pilgrimage.

October 14th – 25th, 2024 
£2650.00 – £3220.00 GBP
Please, do NOT register for this amazing trip on the DST Website.
For more information and registration, click HERE, or visit: https://youli.io/t/rohan-kumar-barua/tantra-tour-of-india